Sermons on “Second Coming”
2017 01 01 am 1 John 2:15-17 The Believer’s Practice
It is very easy for us to see ‘the world’ as a few gross sins that we should avoid. What we see though is that much more is in view. And we must be alert to this!
View Sermon2016 Christmas Morning Matthew 1:18-25 Living Between Two Advents
December 27, 2016 Andre Holtslag Advent, Person and Work of Christ, Second Coming Matthew Occasional
Many were not ready for the First coming of Jesus because they did not know it would happen or they did not understand what the Old Testament said about it. What about you and His Second Coming?
View Sermon2016 10 09 pm Westminster Confession Ch. 4 2 Peter 3 Christian Faith and Creation Facts
October 10, 2016 Andre Holtslag Creation, Lord's Supper, Second Coming 2 Peter Westminster Confession of Faith
Jesus will return to earth on the Day of Judgment and the the universe will be purified by fire. Peter connects this future event with the historical facts of six-day creation and the world-wide flood. We see that the danger of denying or altering the meaning of those historical events can empty the terrifying reality of the event to come.
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