Sermons in “Occasional”
2017-07-02 AM – Andre Holtslag – Covenantal Instruction
What is the meaning and significance of God’s covenant? What does this mean when children are baptized? What is their and parents’ obligations?
View Sermon2017-06-25 AM – Andre Holtslag – Godly Boasting?
Is it ever OK to boast? Is profession of faith a type of boasting? And if there is such a thing as godly boasting, what does this look like in the life we live as believers?
View Sermon2017 06 11 am Psalm 3 Better Than Life?
Is the Love of God better than Life, for you? This Psalm explains how and why this was so for David.
View Sermon2017 05 21 am Romans 6:3-5 Improving Your Baptism
How do we use our baptism? Is it really something that aids the Christian life? YES!
View Sermon2017 04 16 Easter 1 Corinthians 15:20 Meeting Jesus at the Fest
How Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits all come together in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and the Lord’s Supper.
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