Links & Resources

Bible Gateway

Read, search, study, compare & share the Bible in 80+ languages & 170+ translations


Reformed blogger, author, and book reviewer


Internet accountability and filtering

Christianity Explored

An informal Christian evangelistic teaching course

Desiring God

God-Centered Resources from the Ministry of John Piper

Faith in Focus

Reformed Churches of New Zealand publication of articles, reviews and church updates

Gospel Coalition

Equipping the next generation for gospel-faithful ministry and promoting church reform and culture transformation. Led by Tim Keller and Don Carson

Ligonier Ministries

Reformed theology and resources (R.C. Sproul)


Interactive Bible Studies

Modern Reformation

Conversations for a Modern Reformation


Christian books, articles and resources

New Horizons

Orthodox Presbyterian Church magazine

Nine Marks

Practical resources for Church leaders


Reformed Churches of New Zealand


Blog of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Reformed Fellowship

The Outlook magazine and articles


Online sermon database


Reformed resources

Two Ways to Live

Clear Gospel & evangelising outline

White Horse Inn

Audio and other resources of Dr Michael Horton