Sermons in “Westminster Confession of Faith”
2017-06-18 PM – Andre Holtslag – Law and Gospel Lessons from Zacchaeus
What are the differences between the law and the gospel? How did both affect Zacchaeus? How does this help us think about the 8th Commandment?
View Sermon2017 06 18 am Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 Westminster Confession Ch. 24 Brides and Grooms
Sometimes sexual intimacy and marriage are treated as a list of rules and boundaries. But the Bible has a much grander view of this topic that is a needed antidote to the world’s views and practices.
View Sermon2017 06 11 pm Romans 13:1-4 Westminster Confession Ch. 23 Art. 2 Lawful Killing
Does the Sixth Commandment forbid all killing? Or is there such a thing as just war?
View Sermon2017 05 21 pm 1 Peter 2:13-21 Westminster Confession (var.) Christian Submission
What make sour submission to lawful authorites Christian submission?
View Sermon2017 05 14 pm Hebrews 3:7-4:11 Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Art’s 7-8 The Lord’s Day as Rest-Rehearsal
Are New Testament Believers bound by the fourth Commandment? The ‘rest’ of the Promised Land and the ‘rest’ of creation week point forward to the eternal ‘rest’ that belongs to those who ‘rest’ in Christ’s finished work on the cross. So the answer is YES!!!!
View Sermon2017 05 07 pm Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 Westminster Confession Ch. 22 A Warning Against Foolish Worship
The Third Commandment is very concerned with truth, and especially with vows and oaths. This has implications for worship, as we see in this passage.
View Sermon2017 04 23 pm Judges 17 Westminster Confession 21.1b, 3-6 I Did it My Way (is the Wrong Way)
The 2nd Commandment warns us against all wrong worship of God. Judges 17 gives us a lesson right worship from an example of wrong worship.
View Sermon2017 04 02 pm Exodus 20:3 Westminster Confession Ch. 21 Art 2 God and God Alone
The importance of the 1st Commandment. What it means to have God and to not have other gods.
View Sermon2017 03 26 pm Galatians 5:13-18 Westminster Confession Ch. 20.2-3 The Believer’s Relationship to the Law – Part 2
What our freedom from the law does NOT mean.
View Sermon2017 03 26 am Colossians 2:13-14 Westminster Confession Ch 20.1 & Ch. 19 The Believer’s Relationship to the Law – Part 1
We are “free from the law” is something we read in the NT. What does this mean? We explore what it does mean in this sermon and what it does not mean in the PM sermon.
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