Sermons on “Law/Gospel”
2017 03 26 pm Galatians 5:13-18 Westminster Confession Ch. 20.2-3 The Believer’s Relationship to the Law – Part 2
What our freedom from the law does NOT mean.
View Sermon2017 03 26 am Colossians 2:13-14 Westminster Confession Ch 20.1 & Ch. 19 The Believer’s Relationship to the Law – Part 1
We are “free from the law” is something we read in the NT. What does this mean? We explore what it does mean in this sermon and what it does not mean in the PM sermon.
View Sermon2016 11 20 pm Eph. 2:11-22 Westminster Confession Ch. 7 Art’s 5-6 Something Old, Something New; Same Christ
What do we do with the Old testament? How were the saints of the OT God’s people? And where does the Covenant of Grace fit into all this?
View Sermon2015 09 06 am Mark 12:35-40 Stunned Mullets and Strutting Peacocks!
Who were the Scribes of Israel? What is the significance of this question that Jesus asks them? What does it mean for the Christian life today?
View Sermon2015 04 19 am Mark 10:17-31 Gospel Lessons From Camel Impossibilities
This man asks THE question – What must I do to inherit everlasting life? He thought the answer was the law. Jesus shows him and us that the answer is Jesus. Wonderful lessons about the purpose of the law.
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