Sermons on “Lamentations”
2016 08 21 am Lamentations 5 Without Rhyme or Reason?
This book appears to end on a note of hopelessness. What does it teach us about suffering and praying to God? How does it point us to Christ?
View Sermon2016 08 07 pm Lamentations 4 Your Compassions Never Fail!
Do we have to continue on with Lamentations? Surely there is no gospel here?! Oh yes there is!
View Sermon2016 07 17 am Lamentations 3 Great is Thy Faithfulness
Verses 22-23 are well known because of the hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness. But how do we understand those verses in the context of this chapter and this collection of 5 lament poems?
View Sermon2016 06 19 am Lamentations 2 Really, Really Angry
God is really, really angry with sin. And this remains the case in the New Testament. If we truly believe this, it should motivate us to tell others the gospel.
View Sermon2016 06 12 am Lamentations 1 Really, Really Bad
In times of national disaster, people often ask, “If there is a God, why does He let people suffer?” Lamentations reveals that there are some false assumptions behind that question. The first is that man is really, really bad!
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