Sermons on “Salvation”
2017 04 23 am 1 John 5:6-13 The Triple Testimony
April 24, 2017 Andre Holtslag Person and Work of Christ, Profession of Faith, Salvation 1 John 1 John
Three young me professed faith in Jesus Christ today. Our text makes clear, however, that the certainty of eternal life belongs only to those who believe the right things about Who Jesus is and What He came to do.
View Sermon2016 12 11 pm Phil. 2:7-11 Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Art. 4. Our Magnificent Mediator
December 12, 2016 Andre Holtslag Person and Work of Christ, Salvation Philippians Westminster Confession of Faith
Our Advent series continues as we think about the Lord Jesus and His work as our Mediator.
View Sermon2016 11 27 pm 1 Peter 1:20-21 Westminster Confession Ch. 8 Art. 1 Our Eternal Saviour
November 28, 2016 Andre Holtslag Person and Work of Christ, Salvation, Salvation History 1 Peter Westminster Confession of Faith
We see that our salvation has its origins in eternity past, which gives us a certain hope for the future!
View Sermon2015 Christmas Day Luke 2:1-7 History and His-Story
The story of Jesus birth is history, but more importantly it is His-Story!
View Sermon2015 08 09 pm Lord’s Day 23 John 1:12-13 Born-again Believers
How can I be saved? The answer is simple – believe in Jesus! But the Bible does teach more about salvation and especially the relationship between faith and being born again.
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